The land of heroes
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Cambodia Kingdom

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Bush speech doesn't tell full story on Cambodia

President Bush's VFW speech was full of untruths and half-truths about Vietnam.

The killing fields he refers to came about due to the CIA-sponsored deposing of the Cambodian government of Prince Sihanouk in 1970, after the prince declared Cambodia neutral during the Vietnam War.

It is estimated 800,000 Cambodians were killed by the bombs dropped from B-52 bombers on Cambodia. Estimates of those killed by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge are over 1.7 million.

Ironically, it was Vietnam that in 1978 invaded Cambodia and finally deposed the murderous regime of Pol Pot.

The Vietnamese have commented on Bush's speech and say that America would never have prevailed there because the Vietnamese were fighting for their own country.

The Republican-friendly media fails to point out the inaccuracies in Bush's speeches or the fact that he cleverly injects 9/11 every time he mentions Iraq, as if Iraq had made the 9/11 attack, which of course, Iraq did not.

The media also doesn't report that the only people allowed within eyesight of Bush at these events are meticulously screened to ensure Bush will have no protesters.

It is not reported that his press conferences are not really press conferences, but are only scripted events, with the Bush people providing the questions.

The media in this country is mostly Republican-friendly, and Democrat-critical, which makes it very difficult for Democrats to get fair treatment in the media.

I feel that citizens should not only work to make sure a Democrat occupies the White House in '08, but also work to turn out of office all of the congressmen that shirked their oversight duties, and allowed the Iraq tragedy to happen

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